Join us every Wednesday night at 8:30PM on 146.670mHz minus offset PL tone of 131.8Hz for our weekly LARC 2M Net!



1.10 The purpose of the Lanierland Amateur Radio Club, Incorporated, shall be to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principals:

1. Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

2. Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

3. Encouragement and improvement of the amateur radio service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the art.

4. Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians and electronics experts.

5. Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to enhance international good will.

6. To further exchange information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency and to so conduct club programs and activities so as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.

1.20 It shall be the policy of the Club to support and join with other local, national and international Amateur Radio groups, as appropriate, to provide unity of action in supporting all aspects of Amateur Radio.


2.10 Any person interested in Amateur Radio shall be eligible for membership, and once accepted, a member shall have equal rights and privileges with all other members except as specifically prohibited by these By-Laws or Federal law.

2.15 Only those members who are Licensed Amateur Radio Operators shall have voting privileges. Those members who are not yet licensed will be granted Associate Memberships with no voting privileges.

2.20 Applications for membership shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary on a special form provided for that purpose. Each such application shall be accompanied by one year's dues as specified in Section VI of these By-laws. The application for membership may be approved by the Executive Committee.

2.26 Any member may withdraw from membership in the Club by letting any club officer know. Membership dues and any repeater donations are not refundable.

2.27 Members who conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring disrepute to the hobby or conduct not in the best interest of the overall club and its functions may be subject to a verbal warning, a written warning or termination of membership. The membership of any member may be terminated by a vote of two thirds of the members present at any monthly meeting of the members. No membership dues or repeater donations will be refunded in the event of membership termination. For this purpose, notification of termination of membership shall be by written notification.

2.30 Family members are those persons in the same household as a full member who also wish to participate in the club. All rights and privileges of club membership as specified in Section 2.10 and 2.15 apply.

2.40 Student membership is available to individuals who are full time students at the time of their membership application. A reduced membership fee applies to student memberships; see Section 6.10.

2.45 All Amateur Radio Operators under 16 years of age, that reside in Hall and adjoining counties, will be eligible for free membership into the Lanierland Amateur Radio Club. Those persons who receive free membership will not have voting privileges and will be subject to normal club dues at the end of the calendar year following their 16th birthday.

2.50 Honorary Lifetime Membership. LARC may from time to time want to bestow upon a deserving member an Honorary Lifetime Membership. Honorary Lifetime Membership is more than enduring membership, it is recognition of a LARC member who has exhibited long term and continuous devotion, dedication and meritorious service to and on behalf of LARC. Honorary Lifetime Memberships may be granted under the following guidelines:

1. One Honorary Lifetime Membership may be granted each fiscal year. This is a special consideration and need not be an annual event.

2. The person considered must be someone who has exhibited long term and continuous devotion, dedication and meritorious service to and on behalf of LARC and amateur radio in general.

3. The name of the person being considered shall be submitted to the President or Vice-president. The submission must be signed by three(3) LARC members in good standing and shall be accompanied by a written explanation as to why the suggested member should receive this unique award.

4. Upon receipt of the submission a Special Committee will be formed. This Special Committee will decide whether or not the person submitted will be granted Honorary Lifetime Membership. This Special Committee will be comprised of the following:

1. President: 2.Vice-president: 3.(2) Directors 4. (3) LARC members at large.

These seven (7) individuals shall make up the Special Committee for this purpose. If this committee agrees that the recommended individual is deserving of this honor they shall have the authority to bestow Honorary Lifetime Membership to that Member.


3.10 The Officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Activities Manager. These five officers form the LARC Executive Committee.

3.20 All officers of the club shall be members in good standing and shall be licensed amateurs at the time of their election and for their entire term of office.

3.30 The regular election of officers shall be handled as follows:

1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee composed of three (3) members of the club.

2. The Nominating Committee shall meet and select one or more qualified members as nominees for each office to be filled. Only members who are willing to serve shall be nominated.

3. The Nominating Committee shall make its report to the membership at the October meeting, at which time nominations from the floor will be accepted for all offices, nominations shall then be closed.

4. The election of officers shall be held during the November meeting.

5. Secret ballots, which have been previously prepared by the Nominating Committee, shall be distributed to everyone present who is eligible to vote.

6. Those members present and in good standing shall mark their ballots to vote for not more than one (1) nominee for each office.

7. The Nominating Committee shall then collect and tabulate all ballots.

8. Any nominee receiving the highest number of the votes cast shall be declared elected to his respective office.

3.40 Special elections may be held at any meeting to fill vacancies which occur between regular elections. A special procedure applies to a vacancy in the office of President (see Section 3.45) the balance of this section applies to all elected offices other than President. If a special election is to be held, a notice to this effect shall be published in the issue of the club newsletter immediately preceding such election. Those members of the club present at such special meeting shall comprise a committee competent to nominate and elect a club member to the vacant office.

3.45 Should the office of President become vacant for any reason, the Vice-President shall immediately and automatically assume the office of President and the office of Vice-President shall be declared vacant and refilled under the terms of Section 3.40.

3.50 Term of office for all officers shall be for one (1) year commencing at the adjournment of the December meeting and continuing until adjournment of the December meeting the following year or until their successor has been elected and qualified. Officers elected at special elections shall assume office immediately and their term of office shall end at the adjournment of the December meeting.

3.55 Term for all appointments shall be for one (1) year commencing at the adjournment of the December meeting and continuing until the adjournment of the December meeting the following year or until their successor has been appointed. Those appointed to fill an unexpired term shall assume responsibility immediately and their term shall end at adjournment of the December meeting.


4.10 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and conduct the same according to the rules adopted; he shall enforce due observance of the Charter and By-Laws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents that are adopted by the Club; be an ex-officio member of all committees and perform all customary duties pertaining to the Office of President.

4.20 The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the President, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Vice-President shall be responsible for securing meeting facilities.

4.30 The treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club; shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended: shall pay no bills unless authorized to do so by the club or Executive Committee constituting a business committee. He shall give a report at each regular meeting of income and expenditures of the club. He shall prepare financial reports when so directed by the club or executive committee. He shall at the end of his term , turn over everything belonging to the club to his successor.

4.40 The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, including Executive Committee meetings; shall receive all applications for membership; shall keep a roll of members in conjunction with the Treasurer; shall carry on all correspondence; shall thank in writing all guest speakers and other such persons, firms or organizations obligating the Club by their favors; shall read communications at the meetings. The Secretary shall also keep the By-Laws of the club and have the same with him at every meeting. He shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members upon request. He shall, at the expiration of his term, turn over everything in his possession belonging to the Club to his successor.

4.50 The Activities Manager shall be in charge of Official Activities of the Club and shall appoint such assistance as may be necessary to assist him in specific fields of activity. He shall maintain close liaison with the ARRL Emergency Coordinator/s to further Club participation in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. He shall be responsible for arranging programs for Club meetings and for the coordination and operation of the Club's Nets.

4.55 The Executive Committee, when operating as a business committee has the authority to manage the normal business affairs of the club consistent with the club approved budget.

The Executive Committee makes the following appointments:

Hamfest Committee, Repeater Committee, Editor of the Club Newsletter, Training Director and Property Control Officer.


4.60 The Hamfest Committee shall bear overall management responsibility for the planning and execution of the annual Lanierland Amateur Radio Club Hamfest.

4.70 The Repeater Committee shall be responsible for all activities relating to any repeater system/s that the Club shall own and/or operate, subject to Club approval.

4.80 The Training Director shall be responsible for the supervision and organization of all Club-sponsored training classes, for recruitment of instructors, etc.

4.85 The Editor of the Club newsletter shall be responsible for editing, publishing and distributing the Club newsletter.

4.90 The Property Control Officer shall maintain a current inventory of all Club property; shall have personal possession of all Club equipment not issued to another member; shall insure that all Club property is maintained in proper working order at all times; shall account for all property at all times; shall maintain accountability records and cause any member receiving Club equipment to proper receipt the same; shall issue Club equipment to authorized members for emergency or designated club activities; shall make recommendations to the Club on repairs, replacements, disposals and purchases of equipment and be responsible for these property matters; shall make recommendations on the control of Club equipment; shall request the President to designate individual members to assist in carrying out specific PCO responsibilities; shall report to the President any damage or loss of Club equipment.


5.10 Regular meetings shall be held at such time and place as the President shall order.
Regular meetings may be cancelled by the President provided a special meeting is called
under Section 5.20 of these By-Laws within ten (10) days of the cancelled meeting.”

5.20 Special meetings may be called by the President upon the written request of any five members of the Club, and for this purpose, the President himself may sign such a request. Notices shall be sent to all members by the Secretary informing them of the special meeting and of the business to be transacted. Such notices shall be mailed in ample time to allow normal mail delivery at least 24 hours prior to this meeting. Only such business as is designated in the notice shall be transacted at the special meeting except where the special meeting is called to take the place of a regular meeting as provided in Section 5.10 of these By-Laws, in which case any business may be transacted.


6.10 Annual Membership dues are due and payable on January 1 of each year. The fiscal year for accounting shall be January 1 through December 31 of the same year. Annual dues for full membership and associate membership shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00). Annual dues for family membership shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) and this shall include all licensed members living in the same household. A new member joining the Club after July 1 shall pay half dues to carry their membership through the end of that fiscal year. A new member joining the club after October1 shall pay one-fourth dues to carry their membership through the end of that fiscal year. Student membership shall be twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) each for the same period as a full member. An Honorary Life Member may upgrade their membership to a family membership by paying the difference between the current family membership rate and the current single membership rate.

6.15 A Repeater Fund will be established by the Treasurer expressly to receive voluntary contributions from Club members and others who wish to contribute to the operation of the Club repeater/s. Expenditures from this fund will be made by the Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Committee or as directed by the Club.

6.20 The Treasurer shall render a statement annually to each member at least thirty (30) days before his dues become payable. Any member whose dues are in arrears more than thirty (30) days shall be dropped from membership. Any person dropped from membership for non-payment of dues shall be reinstated upon payment of one years dues.

6.30 It will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to prepare the budget each year consistent with the purposes of the club and consistent with expected revenues and resources. After the budget has been approved by the Club, the Executive Committee shall direct the Treasurer to make such expenditures of Club funds as are consistent with the budget as devised, and as provided by Section 4.30. At the close of each fiscal year, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to audit the accounts and records of the Treasurer and the Secretary, and to render a report of its findings to the Club at the January meeting.

6.40 The Club, by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objects as set forth in these By-Laws. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall cause the member to be put in an in-active status with no voting privileges.


7.10 These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the total Club membership,
or by a two-thirds vote of members present at any meeting if advance notice of the
proposed amendments has been distributed to the Club membership by means of
email, other electronic media or written letter for two successive months. Proposals for
amendments shall be submitted in writing and shall be read word for word by the
Secretary just prior to voting.

7.15 Proxy votes may be submitted on any important matter under consideration by the
Club. If proxy votes are allowed, the following guidelines shall prevail:

1. The Club will decide by a majority of members present at the meeting when the
issue comes up for consideration whether or not its importance warrants allowing proxy

2. The total membership shall be advised of the matter under consideration by
means of email, other electronic media or written letter and notifying them that proxy
votes shall be allowed and the deadline for their submission.

3. A specially numbered proxy vote form shall be provided to Club members by
means of email, other electronic media or written letter.

4. Each member voting by proxy shall mark his proxy vote form, sign it and mail it
to the club address in an individual envelope marked "proxy vote" by the noted

5. The Club Secretary shall keep in his possession all envelopes containing proxy
votes. They shall be opened and counted at the Club meeting when the issue at hand
comes up for consideration.

7.20 Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of the Club except in case of
conflict with these By-Laws, in which case the ByLaws will govern.

7.30 Ten members in good standing present at a regular or special meeting shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business except for By-Laws as provided in
Sections 7.10 and 7.15.


8.10 The President shall have the authority to appoint such committees as he deems advisable for the welfare of the Club, and he shall have the authority to dissolve such committees at anytime except those appointed by the Executive Committee.

8.20 The Executive Committee shall consist of the five (5) elected officers specified in Section 3.10. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or any two (2) other members of the committee. Three (3) members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any Club business as specified in these By-Laws. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to approve all Club activities and projects (including those proposed by the Activities Manager) and is responsible for overall Club operations. The Executive Committee shall make recommendations to the membership for appropriate action.

8.30 Immediately upon assuming office, the President shall appoint a Public Relations Committee consisting of a Chairman and as many members as he deems necessary. It shall be the duty of this committee to handle all the Club's public relations and to obtain for Amateur Radio in general such favorable publicity as is deemed advisable.

8.40 Immediately upon assuming office, the President shall appoint a Membership Committee consisting of a Chairman and two other members. It shall be the duty of this committee to invite eligible persons to join the Club and encourage Club members to attend the meetings.

8.50 Immediately upon assuming office, the President shall appoint a Technical Director. It shall be the duty of this director to give technical advice and assistance to Club members upon request. His duties shall include assisting members in the following: Resolving TVI and RFI complaints, uniform practice and operating procedures.

8.60 The membership shall elect a Board of Directors consisting of three (3) former officers of the Club. This board will elect its chairman. Their term of office shall be for three years and shall be staggered so as to have one new Director elected each year. Their election shall be held as outlined in Section 3.30 of these By-Laws.


1. Give advice and make recommendations to Club Officers in policy matters. All recommendations are subject to approval of the club.

2. To insure continuity in the operation of the Club and in unusual circumstances the Board of Directors is empowered to appoint an individual or individuals to fill an office that has apparently been vacated or abandoned. This shall include all offices of the club except that of President which is covered under Section 3.45 of these By-Laws. Individuals appointed to fill unexpired terms shall fill those in accordance with Section 3.55 of these By-Laws.

3. The Board of Directors is empowered to request the President to call a special meeting on any matter that they think, for the good of the Club, should not wait until the next regular meeting.

4. They shall audit the records of the Treasurer and Secretary as outlined in Section 6.30 of these By-Laws.

8.70 The membership shall elect a Club Station Trustee. He shall be the custodian of the Club Station. A thirty-day notice must be given by either the Club or the Club Station Trustee of intentions to terminate the duties of same.


9.10 Authorized use of Club equipment will be as follows:

1. Emergencies as designated by local, state or national officials.

2. Drills as designated by local, state or national officials and approved by the Club president or Executive Committee.

3. Official Club activities as designated by the President (this includes contests as well as for instructional purposes).

9.20 Club equipment will not be used for any event for which use of the club call has not been authorized by the club trustee, (this provision applies only to radio transmitter/transceivers).

9.30 Club equipment will not be authorized for the exclusive use of any individual or individuals at any time.

9.40 The PCO will issue Club equipment to an appropriate Club member for events described in Section 9.10. That member will insure that the equipment is cleaned and returned to the PCO at the termination of the event and will inform the PCO of any damage/malfunction or loss of Club equipment. The member receiving Club equipment will be responsible for exercising reasonable care and safeguarding of said equipment.

9.50 Any loss or damage to Club equipment will be investigated by a three member committee appointed by the Club President. A report on the loss/damage along with the committee's recommendations will be made at the next regular Club meeting. If the loss/damage involves $100 or less, those members present will accept or reject the committee's recommendations by a majority vote. For loss/damage in excess of $100, the club newsletter will carry a notice of the committee's recommendations and the members present at the next regular meeting will decide appropriate action by majority vote.

9.60 No individual will be held personally responsible for loss/damage to Club equipment unless it can be shown that the individual failed to exercise reasonable care in safeguarding said equipment.

(Note: The use of "he, his or him" in the above By-Laws refers to either gender.)



1) Added the following to paragraph 6.10 “An Honorary Life Member may upgrade their membership to a family membership by paying the difference between the current family membership rate and the current single membership rate”.

This amendment was adopted by vote April 2006

2) Added paragraph 2.45 “All Amateur Radio Operators under 16 years of age, that reside in Hall and adjoining counties, will be eligible for free membership into the Lanierland Amateur Radio Club. Those persons who receive free membership will not have voting privileges and will be subject to normal club dues at the end of the calendar year following their 16th birthday.”

This amendment was adopted by vote January 30, 2007

3) Added paragraph 2.26 “Any member may withdraw from membership in the Club by letting any club officer know. Membership dues and any repeater donations are not refundable.”

This amendment was adopted by vote June 30, 2009

4) Added paragraph 2.27 “Members who conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring disrepute to the hobby or conduct not in the best interest of the overall club and its functions may be subject to a verbal warning, a written warning or termination of membership. The membership of any member may be terminated by a vote of two thirds of the members present at any monthly meeting of the members. No membership dues or repeater donations will be refunded in the event of membership termination. For this purpose, notification of termination of membership shall be by written notification.”

This amendment was adopted by vote June 30, 2009

5) Changed paragraph 5.10 to read: Regular meetings shall be held on
the last Tuesday night of each month at such time and place as the President
shall order. Regular meetings may be cancelled by the President provided a
special meeting is called under Section 5.20 of these By-Laws within ten (10)
days of the cancelled meeting.”

This amendment was adopted by vote February 26, 2019

6) Changed paragraph 7.10 to read: These By-Laws may be amended by
a majority vote of the total Club membership, or by a two-thirds vote of
members present at any meeting if advance notice of the proposed
amendments has been published in the Club newsletter distributed to the
Club membership by means of email, other electronic media or written letter
for two successive months. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted
in writing and shall be read word for word by the Secretary just prior to

This amendment was adopted by vote February 26, 2019

7) Changed paragraph 7.15 2. to read: The total membership shall be
advised of the matter under consideration through the Club newsletter by
means of email, other electronic media or written letter and notifying them
that proxy votes shall be allowed and the deadline for their submission.

This amendment was adopted by vote February 26, 2019

8) Changed paragraph 7.15 3. to read: A specially numbered proxy
vote form shall be provided in the Club newsletter to Club members by
means of email, other electronic media or written letter.
This amendment was adopted by vote February 26, 2019

Page Last Updated: 2/27/2019 by K4LST