Join us every Wednesday night at 8:30PM on 146.670mHz minus offset PL tone of 131.8Hz for our weekly LARC 2M Net!


Welcome to the Lanierland Amateur Radio Club web site. LARC is one of oldest radio clubs in all of North Georgia and support one of the best repeater systems in North Georgia (Dstar, DMR, and Analog). Since the 1960's, LARC has served the community in Hall and surrounding counties in Northeast Georgia promoting amateur radio and providing communications to the community.

In the 1950's, the group was formed and called the Lanierland VHF Society.  Shortly after its inception, the club was renamed Lanierland Amateur Radio Club.  The Club call W4ABP was the call sign of one of the founders and Charter Members of LARC, Howard "Bo" Collins (SK) of Gainesville. We, as a club, stand ready to provide communications in times of need.  Several of our members are involved with Local, State and National Organizations (ARES, AuxComm, etc) who provide communications in times of need.  Many members are also trained SKYWARN spotters and relay important weather related information directly to the National Weather Service in Peachtree City, Georgia via HAM radio. This gives the NWS an outstanding “in-the-field” summary of what the weather is actually doing. This coupled with their own data, allows for storm warnings to be issued more quickly possibly saving lives.

If you are interested in becoming an Amateur Radio Operator, LARC can help assist in obtaining your amateur radio license.  If you are already a HAM, we extend an open invitation to visit with us at our regular club meetings and consider becoming a member of an active and exciting group of amateur radio operators.