Officers and Committees

 2024 LARC Officers Elect

President - Tony Constabile, KB2DPY

Vice President - Scott Youmans, KO4WTG

Treasurer - John Baker, W4LIT

Secretary - Mike Hall, N4HGO

Activities Manager - Don Blackstock, KO4SUO

Director - Mike Hall, N4HGO

Director - Terry Jones, W4TL

Director - Sam Robinson, K4SRJ

2024 LARC Committees

Repeater Committee

Tony-KB2DPY, John-W4LIT,  Ron-KA3JIJ

Repeater Grounds

John Baker-W4LIT

YL Committee

Susan-KN4ABC,  Edith-KN4NDV

VE Committee

Edith-KN4NDV, Johhn-KA4JON

W4TL Scholarship Committee


Email An Officer

President (

Vice President (

Secretary (

Treasurer (

Activities Manager (


Join us every Wednesday night at 8:30PM on 146.670mHz minus offset PL tone of 131.8Hz for our weekly LARC 2M Net!