Join us every Wednesday night at 8:30PM on 146.670mHz minus offset PL tone of 131.8Hz for our weekly LARC 2M Net!

VE Testing

Stay tuned for upcoming VE Tests...

Please contact the VE team prior to the exam date!

If you are seeking a new license, you'll need a photo ID (or birth certificate) along with $10 for the exam fee.  The VE team recommends cash for the testing fee. Personal checks can be accepted but please be advised it could take a very long time for your check to clear your bank.

If you are seeking an upgrade, you'll need a photo ID (or birth certificate), a photo copy of your current license and the $10 exam fee. The VE team will need to keep the copy of your license so please do not bring the original. 

It is your responsibility to bring a copy of your license as there are no copying facilities at the exam location.

For additional VE testing information, email

Even if you don't test with us...Please use the link below to find a test session and get on the air!
ARRL Exam Search