Join us every Wednesday night at 8:30PM on 146.670mHz minus offset PL tone of 131.8Hz for our weekly LARC 2M Net!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Winter Field Day 2025

A great time was had by all at WFD 2025!  Thanks to all that stepped up to help with equipment, brought and prepared food, acted as control operators, and those that worked the radios putting many QSO's in the log and representing LARC on the air!  Photos and/or videos may be posted soon.

PLEASE, reach out to us with your commitment to assist. We are counting on the HAM FAM to step up! If we do not have a full setup and teardown "crew" we may have to look very closely as to whether we can pull this event off. Setup only takes an hour or so with a few people to assist with setting up the antenna, run the extension cords for power and organizing our "Warming" space inside.  Teardown includes lowering the antenna, packing up the equipment and cleaning up inside. It's a simple ask folks. Again, we are asking for your help!
WFD will serve as our first 2025 Club meeting.

North Hall Lions Club
200 Spring St, Clermont, GA 30527

WFD is a multi-objective event. The primary objective is to set up an amateur radio field station and successfully make multiple contacts. Successful participants are those who can set up their equipment and correctly log the designated exchange during the operational period explained below. All participants are encouraged to complete as many additional objectives as possible. After the event, submit a log of stations worked and any additional documentation.
All licensed amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate in the emergency communications exercise known as Winter Field Day.  
Operational Period: 
Winter Field Day is held the last full weekend in January. For 2025, it will be held on January 25th and 26th. The 30-hour operational period starts at 1600 UTC on Saturday (11 am EST), the 25th, and ends at 21:59 UTC on Sunday, the 26th (4:59 pm EST). Stations may begin setting up no earlier than 1600 UTC (11 am EST) on the Friday before. However, cumulative set-up time shall not exceed 12 hours. 
The designated Winter Field Day exchange includes your call sign, a category number, a class identifier, and a location identifier. 
QSO Points: 
Phone contacts count as one point each, and all CW and digital modes count as two points each. You may only contact other field day stations a maximum of three times per band but only once per mode. So K4FUN may be contacted on 20m using Phone, CW, and digital for a total of five Points (one point for Phone, two points for CW, and two points for digital).